Hello All,

This mail is addressed to a few chosen ones, who have similar beliefs and opinion about this stinking part of the corporate world.
And if you differ, please ignore the mail. :)

I have seen eight inglorious years at Patni, from 2003 to 2010.
I was surprised to learn that even companies grow like human beings, from a fetus to a baby, a baby to a toddler, a toddler to a teenager, a teenager to an adult, an adult to an aged.
But I didn’t know then that even companies can catch a cold, or in extreme cases, a plague or a cancer. Yes! It is true. I have seen the rise and fall of Patni.

I have seen the PMS when it was a windows based application, before it was shifted online to ePMS.
I have seen people eLearning, then changing the PACE to keep up with the competition.
I have seen people LEAPing and LEANing, trying to PROPEL towards a higher goal.
I have seen people being lured into the so called glamour of the MS degree, who later realized that it was just the cheese hooked to a mouse trap.
They even put in lot of thoughts and iDEAS, but were slammed down in Talent Review and Appraisals. The KNOWLEDGE was good when it was at the CENTER. Now it is hardly XCHANGEd.
Patni did show some concern towards its employees by saying E-Care, if not I Care.

Then the light dawned upon them. They realized we need to do something else to keep our name.
Let’s bring a radical change, a change that will keep the employees wondering for some time.
And until they realize that the change is going to take them nowhere, we would have survived through the tough times.
So they TRIMmed the SDLC and came up with Patni PLUS. As the name suggests, it just PLUSed my already existing templates.

During the world wide slow down, Patni decided to make another announcement, this time a much bigger radical change … iChange!
The employees kept wondering for a long time what good is this change going to bring them now.
All the higher level organization structures were dismantled and reinstalled. The employees kept looking with their eye balls popped out and jaws dropped.
The changes at the top seemed like a tsunami wave growing bigger and bigger, adding to the excitement of the employees.
But as the wave came closer, it suddenly calmed down as a tamed pet or the waves hitting the mangroves hardly allowing them to reach the thirsty shore.

Patni has been trying to ECO-TRACK this ecological change. But the termites have reached the darkest corners and the deepest roots and I don’t see a chance of survival.

Last year, we had no choice but to live suppressed, coz it was your day.
This year, we have the chance to raise our head to the sunlight, above the garbage we have been buried under for years.
This year, I have realized I need to change …
And that’s why iCHANGEd!

I see the corporate world as a world full of Tamatar-walas.
The tamatar wala keeps showing you different tamatars, each looking nice and juicy from outside.
It’s when you reach inside, you get the real taste.
I don’t deny that some were indeed tasty inside, but that is a rare case.
For a long time, tamatarwala keeps bargaining and at the same time doesn’t let you buy tamatar from any other tamatarwala.
But you need to realize that bargaining is not the way to live, you’ll die hungry.
You need to buy some tamatar finally. If not from this tamatarwala then from some other one, but you need to eat.
And That’s it! I am hungry and I need to eat, and this tamatarwala is not giving me tamatar.
So I am changing my tamatarwala!

Don’t take it personally. It’s business!
All the best … to me and to you!

With no emotions at all.

A hungry stomach and a wrecked up mind.

Comments (2)

On July 10, 2010 at 1:11 PM , Shailee Vyas said...

i loved the way you have written!!!!

On July 10, 2010 at 1:28 PM , Chandan said...

Thank you Shailee!