
Mumbai, the city of dreams, filled with around 14 million people. It's quite certain that you will dash into a person at every turn you take. Even then he sits there alone tonight, surrounded by people, but yet alone.

After an exhausting day at office, this is the time when he gets to speak to himself, analyze his life and evaluate every step he has taken, every decision that he has ever made. The more he thinks over his past, the more he ends up to the same conclusion 'Life has not been fair with me'. Everyday the same chores and the same process of introspection leading to the same conclusion. Somehow he felt it is not the same day today, when he saw a ray of hope, piercing down his eyes from a distant corner. The light shone brighter on him as the time passed and suddenly he was dawned with beautiful memories from his past.


He closed his eyes as the light grew brighter. He was led into another world. A world he had experienced before, but not the way as he was experiencing it today. He saw himself from outside his body. That freaked him out. 'It's me and it's not a mirror! How the hell is that possible?'. He was bedazzled not knowing what was going on. Then slowly it started to make sense. He realized the person in this world was a young chap going to school, enjoying his life with his friends, playing games, wandering around. He realized he was looking through a secret window that gave him a glimpse to his past.

He rejoiced many moments of his life again, this time differently. The days in school, his first crush, spending weekends playing a ball game, sleeping in his mother's lap as she told him a fictitious story and the quarrels with his sister and cousins, his college days, skipping lectures to catch up with pals and go for a movie, his first love affair, his first kiss, the graduation, his first day at job, meeting new people, making new friends, and how he has grown through all these years. A smile of satisfaction appeared on his face as he still kept running through these memories with his eyes closed.

He thought of his recent relationship, how happy he was to be with a girl he finally thought would be the one to spend his life with. How it happened, when and where it happened, he felt the same rush through his body again as if it was the first time he had met his girl. A ray of hope that he had seen then, sparkled again as he thought of every moment spent with her. He could not deny the fact that he was so much satisfied with his life and the way the cards of his life had turned up.

A deafening loud noise hammered into his brain thrashing all his memories and pulling him back to where he was, sitting right there, alone again. He looked above to find the ray of hope, it was still in the distant corner, but now fading away in the darkness of that night. The smile on his face had vanished and the rush in his body had abated. His head dropped, now looking at the ground near his feet with one question buzzing his mind 'What went wrong?'.


Minutes felt like years as he sat there mourning over his life. His life had taken a U-turn just when he thought he was reaching his destiny. His life had fallen apart like a house of cards. He had never thought he would be parted from his loved ones and his friends in a blink of an eye. His darkest memories now started scurrying through his mind and he felt himself wincing in his chair as if he was feeling the pain all over again. Even a pinch felt like a thousand daggers jammed right into his heart. He could not scream, he could not cry, he could not die.

Drops of sweat trickled down his face as he saw another ray of hope. His knees started shaking and he did not know what to do. He was scared to take this opportunity. Scared that life might be unfair again, and the world will push him down, stamp on him and smash him under their feet. His eyes wide open, he kept looking at the light, standing there completely frozen in the moment.

He fell back in his chair more angry at himself. He wanted to barge into his inner self, scream at him, yell at him and rack his brains. 'You ain't going nowhere! You are a coward'. He couldn't believe his own impression on himself. He faced a dilemma; he wanted to prove himself wrong, but at the same time he was afraid. He thought his brain was about to explode. He pushed down a scream back in his throat, which he wanted to let out. 'Why did this happen to me? Why ME?'. He turned his head from left to right looking for an answer, and to his shock he found it.


A person was sitting right across him in another chair. 'I know this guy. I have seen him somewhere.' he thought but could not recollect where. He peered more closely. The person was reading a book, but he never looked in to the book; his mind was somewhere else. He looked upset and lost. 'Do I really know this guy?' To distract himself he looked to his right. He saw a lady standing next to him with a hint of tears in her eyes. He looked to his left and saw a middle-age person yelling over the phone at someone. Further to his left was an old man being scolded by his young son who looked like a businessman.

'You are not alone!' a voice came from within. He realized why he felt he knew the person in the chair across him. It was not the face that connected him, it was the same lost feeling that they shared. He looked up and his eyes stopped at a movie hoarding, The Lost World. 'It's not just me, it's happening to all'. But still he did not know whether to be happy, consoled, comforted or more frustrated with this realization. It is then when another ray of hope shimmered into his eyes.


He got his answer. 'You could be happy, sad, or angry with this realization. But you definitely cannot just sit there. You need to act!' He felt a warm fluid rise through his spine. 'This is my life. And it is in my hands.' He felt himself growing stronger and higher as he stood up from his chair. A sudden rush of adrenalin and his mind was focused. 'The destiny is still there. But it wont come and fall right in your lap. You need to walk the way yourself'. When you have a bad experience, you learn a lesson. And lessons help you grow and be strong. His fists started to tighten up and his chest grew with every breath that he inhaled. The sweat on his forehead had disappeared as he made himself ready for new turns, new incidents, new experiences in his life. The smile, that had left his face long back, now crawled back. His face glowed as the ray of hope glimmered upon him.

A sudden gush of strong wind blew dust, leaves and papers all around. Some people turned their backs towards the wind and closed their eyes. 'Not me! Not this time!' he said. He did not budge from his spot, still standing there as solid as a rock. He took a deep breath and pierced down the cold eyes of the ray of hope, and said 'No Matter what, I am boarding this train!'

Comments (1)

On January 17, 2010 at 5:29 AM , Gazy said...

Nice writing style!